There are no fees to list an auction as a basic listing. If you choose upgraded features on the listing there are separate and additional charges. When an item is sold up to an 8% service fee is charged to the seller and automatically deducted with the winning payment. See the Fees link in the footer for details.
Each auction listing can be seen in 1 category (including subcategories) and has a title, short description (70-characters with spaces max.), up to 5 images in a gallery, with a full description, and starting price, custom starting and ending dates, automatic re-listing, shipping options (buyer or seller pays or pickup), and additional options like featured, bold, and highlighted (additional fees apply on additional options).
You can see details about your auctions from My Control Panel and the left menu, click Sold items and Winners details for more info.
If you need to send a message to the winner, click their linked PerNum and then click the contact option from the colored menu.
Once you have shipped or delivered the item or service to the buyer, click on Set as Shipped from the Winners details page to notify the buyer.
Once the buyer has received the item, they can mark it received from their side (go to Auctions I have won and Mark Received).
Remember to leave some feedback about the buyer about your experience. From My control panel click Leave feedback to get started.
Available YEM must first be moved from your wallet within YEMBIDS to your main Rainbow Currency PerNum wallet and then it can be used as you choose from there.
To withdraw YEM from your YEMBIDS wallet, go to My Control Panel and the left menu, click Wallet and you will see the function there to Send balance to PerNum Wallet, complete the simple process and you are all set.
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