0 AUCTIONS | Apr 29, 2024 08:41:49
Kochbuch BIOLEK
Highest bidder: Bidder 1 starY.gif
Item Condition: Used, Like New
Seller Location: Germany
Ends Within:


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# of Bids: 5 (Hide history)
USD Value: US$18 (for reference only)
Current Bid: 7 YEM
Shipping Fee: 3 YEM
This auction is closed

Item Description

Bemerkung: Diese Auktion lief schon unter #5348, aber der Gewinner aus Afrika hat binnen 7 Tage weder auf mehrere Anfragen die Auktion bezahlt noch sich zu den Versandmehrkosten geäußert.

Alfred Biolek hat mehrere Kochbücher geschrieben. Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um Meine Rezepte 16. Auflage 1996 mit 160 Seiten vom Verlag Zabert Sandmann GmbH.

Die Rezepte sind in 9 Kapiteln unterteilt und fangen bei Vorspeisen und Salate an, über Suppen, Beilagen, Hauptgerichte mit Fisch, Geflügel und Fleisch bis hin zum Nachtisch und Süßes.


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Note: This auction was already running under #5348, but within 7 days the winner from Africa has neither paid for the auction in response to several inquiries nor commented on the additional shipping costs.

Alfred Biolek has written several cookbooks. This book is My recipes 16th edition 1996 with 160 pages from the publisher Zabert Sandmann GmbH.

The recipes are divided into 9 chapters and start with appetizers and salads, soups, side dishes, main dishes with fish, poultry and meat to desserts and sweets.

Additional Information

Country: Berlin Germany (12681)
Shipping Conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, Will NOT ship internationally
Shipping Countries & Terms:  Shipping only in Europe (no) international shipping. Private sale without any kind of warranty. Customs costs are paid by the buyer. The stated shipping costs are for Germany. Be sure to also read the conditions in the action description.

Payment Methods: PernumPay
Starting Bid: 3 YEM

Auction Started: 2021-04-21 10:08
Auction Ends: 2021-04-28 10:08
Auction ID: 5607

Item Category: All > Books > Cooking, Food & Wine

Bids history

Bidder Bid Time
Bidder 1 7 YEM 26 April 2021 - 14:29:28
Bidder 2 7 YEM 26 April 2021 - 14:29:28
Bidder 1 6 YEM 26 April 2021 - 09:30:46
Bidder 3 5 YEM 26 April 2021 - 09:30:46
Bidder 1 3 YEM 26 April 2021 - 08:45:31
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  • Feedback received 32 times
  • Positive feedback: (100%)
  • Member since 11/20/2020
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