0 AUCTIONS | Apr 19, 2024 07:37:09
Light Gray Portable Water Revitalizer
Highest bidder: Bidder 1 transparent.gif
Item Condition: New
Seller Location: United States
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# of Bids: 21 (View history)
USD Value: US$299 (for reference only)
Current Bid: 1,707 YEM
Shipping Fee: 15 YEM
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Item Description

After using the Natural Action device, Veda Austin observed a major structural change in the tap water, from disordered to complex woven wave patterns. What is even more interesting is the longevity of the impact. Even after allowing the ice sample to melt and refreeze twice, it is evident that the water has been affected permanently or at least semi-permanently. This is not a common observation. Even if tap water has structurally improved from an influence it will usually begin to degrade after melting and refreezing.

The Portable Unit is the easiest way to revitalize your water at home and on the go. Enjoy the benefits of an energy infusion of Structured Water when you’re out and about; whether in-town, at a local restaurant, or on the road traveling. Also, great for apartment living, where a whole house unit is not an option. Simply pour water through the top (large end) and point the small spout into any container to get the benefits of Structured Water.

No Power Required, No Maintenance Needed, No Subscriptions.

Clean by rinsing thoroughly. The Unit is dishwasher friendly, or soak in detergent and water. Rinse thoroughly by soaking or flushing after cleaning

The  products can be drained and stored in either direction, i.e., spout up or spout down, or sideways once dry.


Additional Information

Country: Sicklerville United States (08081)
Shipping Conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping
Shipping Countries & Terms:  Lifetime device. Item Is Brand New. Come in original boxing with instructions. No warranty no refunds

Payment Methods: PernumPay
Starting Bid: 30 YEM

Auction Started: 2021-12-17 18:10
Auction Ends: 2022-01-16 18:10
Auction ID: 7427

Item Category: All > Food & Beverages > General
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  • Feedback received 27 times
  • Positive feedback: (100%)
  • Member since 11/07/2020
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