0 AUCTIONS | Apr 25, 2024 00:52:22
3 Cased Silver Dollars
Highest bidder: Bidder 1 starB.gif
Item Condition: Used, Like New
Seller Location: Switzerland
Ends Within:


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# of Bids: 62 (View history)
USD Value: US$60 (for reference only)
Current Bid: 25,020 YEM
Shipping Fee: 2 YEM
This auction is closed

Item Description

In diesem Angebote sehen Sie...

- Drei Kanadische Silberdollar
- Alle in einer schönen Klappbox und Kartonhülle
- 23.3 Gramm
- Durchmesser 36 mm
- 0.500er

Drei, die zusammengehören.

In this offers you will see...

- Three Canadian silver dollars
- All in a nice clamshell box and cardboard sleeve
- 23.3 grams
- Diameter 36 mm
- 0.500s

Three that belong together.

Dans cette offre, vous verrez...

- Trois dollars canadiens en argent
- Le tout dans une belle boîte à clapet et une pochette en carton.
- 23,3 grammes
- Diamètre 36 mm
- 0.500s

Trois qui vont ensemble.

En esta oferta verá...

- Tres dólares de plata canadienses
- Todo ello en una bonita caja de concha y funda de cartón
- 23,3 gramos
- Diámetro 36 mm
- 0.500s

Tres que van juntos.

În această ofertă veți vedea...

- Trei dolari canadieni de argint
- Totul într-o cutie frumoasă cu scoică și manșon de carton.
- 23,3 grame
- Diametru 36 mm
- 0.500s

Trei care se potrivesc împreună.

V této nabídce uvidíte...

- Tři kanadské stříbrné dolary
- Vše v krásné krabičce a kartonovém obalu
- 23,3 gramů
- Průměr 36 mm
- 0.500s

Tři, které k sobě patří.

В това предложение ще видите...

- Три канадски сребърни долара
- Всичко това в красива кутия и картонен калъф
- 23,3 грама
- Диаметър 36 мм
- 0.500s

Трима, които си принадлежат.

Additional Information

Country: Sarmenstorf Switzerland (5614)
Shipping Conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping
Shipping Countries & Terms:  Weltweiter Versand.
EU Länder = Versand ab Deutschland möglich (DHL).
Bitte beachten Sie die Einfuhrbestimmungen in Ihrem Lande.
Allfällige Zölle, Gebühren, etc. zu Lasten Käufer.
Privatverkauf, keine Rückgabe. Qualität des Produktes ist gara

Payment Methods: PernumPay
Starting Bid: 1 YEM

Auction Started: 2021-09-19 18:11
Auction Ends: 2021-10-02 16:12
Auction ID: 7097

Item Category: All > Coins & Stamps > Coins
Meet the seller
  • Feedback received 73 times
  • Positive feedback: (100%)
  • Member since 04/29/2021
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