0 AUCTIONS | Apr 18, 2024 20:42:02
Highest bidder: Bidder 1 starY.gif
Item Condition: New
Seller Location: Switzerland
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# of Bids: 142 (View history)
USD Value: US$12540 (for reference only)
Current Bid: 3,000,045 YEM
Shipping Fee: Free
This auction is closed

Item Description

Im Angebot finden Sie einen herrlich geformten Rubin-Edelstein
mit GLA-Zertifikat

- Karat / Menge: 2560,50 ct / 1
- Gewicht: 560 Gramm
- Abmessungen: 84,65 x 69,20 x 47,80 mm
- Form: Oval ( Cabochon )
- Farbe: Rot
- Qualität: 5 - Gut
- Zertifiziert mit eigener ID-Karte und ID-Nummer

Die Qualität dieses Artikels wurde von der Gemological Laboraty of America Inc. (GLA) GEPRÜFT UND ZERTIFIZIERT. GLA setzt einen geschätzten Wiederbeschaffungswert von USD 12.540,00 auf diesen Rubin.

Sammler werden begeistert sein.

Bitte beachten Sie die Einfuhrbestimmungen in Ihrem Land.


In the offer you will find a superbly shaped ruby gemstone
with GLA certificate

- Carat / Quantity: 2560,50 cts / 1
- Weight: 560 grams
- Dimensions: 84,65 x 69,20 x 47,80 mm
- Shape: Oval ( Cabochon )
- Color: Red
- Quality: 5 - Good
- Certified with its own ID card and ID number

The quality of this item has been tested and certified by the Gemological Laboraty of America Inc. (GLA) TESTED AND CERTIFIED. GLA places an estimated replacement value of USD 12,540.00 on this ruby.

Collectors will be thrilled.

Please note the import regulations in your country.

Additional Information

Country: Schlossrued Switzerland (5044)
Shipping Conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping
Shipping Countries & Terms:  Shipping Worldwide, EU countries = shipping from Germany 1-2 times per week. Please note the import regulations in your country. Customs duties, fees, taxes, etc. at the expense of the buyer.
Private sale excluding any kind of warranty, no return.

Payment Methods: PernumPay
Starting Bid: 1 YEM

Auction Started: 2021-05-08 17:11
Auction Ends: 2021-05-23 15:17
Auction ID: 5827

Item Category: All > Jewelry > Jewelry accessories
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  • Feedback received 93 times
  • Positive feedback: (100%)
  • Member since 03/13/2021
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