0 AUCTIONS | Apr 25, 2024 17:44:24
Art Prints Flemish and Dutch Masters
Highest bidder: Bidder 1 starB.gif
Item Condition: Used
Seller Location: Germany
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# of Bids: 5 (View history)
USD Value: US$250 (for reference only)
Current Bid: 202 YEM
Shipping Fee: Free
This auction is closed

Item Description

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Please note that shipping takes place within the states of the European Union only.

Mappe mit 25 Kunstdrucken unterschiedlicher Größe Flämischer und Holländischer Meister des 16. bis 18. Jahrdunderts auf creme-gelben Büttenpapier. Die Größe steht in Zentimetern unter den Bildern.
Die sehr schönen Bilder sind in schwarz-weiß und in Farbe gedruckt. 

Kunstmappe öffnen (Bitte Rechtsklick und in neuem Fenster öffnen.)

In English:

Portfolio with 25 art prints of various sizes by Flemish and Dutch masters from the 16th to 18th centuries on creamy yellow handmade paper. The size is in centimeters under the pictures.
The images are made in black & white and in color printing.

Open the art map (Please right-click and open in a new window.)

Additional Information

Country: Berlin Germany (13353)
Shipping Conditions: Seller pays shipping expenses, International shipping
Shipping Countries & Terms:  Versandt versichert in die Staaten der Europäischen Union. Tracking Code wird mitgeteilt.
Delivery in the staates of European Union, insurance and with tracking code.

Payment Methods: PernumPay
Starting Bid: 1 YEM

Auction Started: 2021-04-22 21:29
Auction Ends: 2021-05-01 19:28
Auction ID: 5620

Item Category: All > Art & Antiques > Fine Art
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  • Feedback received 84 times
  • Positive feedback: (100%)
  • Member since 11/06/2020
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