0 AUCTIONS | Apr 25, 2024 19:07:32
Highest bidder: Bidder 1 transparent.gif
Item Condition: New
Seller Location: Burkina Faso
Ends Within:


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# of Bids: 29 (Hide history)
USD Value: US$40 (for reference only)
Current Bid: 2,002 YEM
Shipping Fee: 100 YEM
This auction is closed

Item Description

HISTORY: DJEMBE is a traditional musical instrument; used in French-speaking West Africa.

From the time of KING MANDING SOUNDIATA KEITA that the djembe was found by hunters in the forest

CHARACTERISTICS: Height 28 cm, diameter 18cm, weight 1kg

The upper part which is used for music is covered with treated goatskin. The barrel-shaped trunk is made of teak box. The black thread used to stretch the skin is nylon.

The barrel is tinted and sculpted of which you can see the map of the country of origin BURKINA FASO

and a female gazelle separated on both sides by a scrutiny in image of cowries, symbol of the first currency in French-speaking Africa.

HISTORIQUE : DJEMBE est un instrument de music traditionel;utilisé en afrique de l'ouest francophone.

Du temps du ROI MANDING SOUNDIATA KEITA que le djembé a ete retrouvé par des chasseurs dans la foret 

CARACTERISTIQUES: Hauteur 28 cm, diametre 18cm, poids 1kg

La partie haute qu'on utilise pour la musique est couverte de peau de chêvre traitée. Le tronc en forme de fût est en boît de têck. Les fils noirs utilisés pour tendre la peau est en nylon.

Le fût est teinté et sculté dont vous pouvez voir la carte du pays d'origine BURKINA FASO

et une gazelle femelle separée des deux côtés par une  scruture en image des cauris symbole de la premiere monnaie en Afrique francophone


Additional Information

Country: OUAGADOUGOU Burkina Faso (00226)
Shipping Conditions: Buyer pays shipping expenses, International shipping
Shipping Countries & Terms:  the transport costs are the responsibility of the customer

Payment Methods: PernumPay
Starting Bid: 1 YEM

Auction Started: 2021-02-15 16:01
Auction Ends: 2021-03-01 16:01
Auction ID: 4197

Item Category: All > Art & Antiques > Musical Instruments

Bids history

Bidder Bid Time
Bidder 1 2,002 YEM 01 March 2021 - 16:00:49
Bidder 2 2,000 YEM 01 March 2021 - 16:00:49
Bidder 2 252 YEM 01 March 2021 - 15:32:17
Bidder 3 250 YEM 01 March 2021 - 15:32:17
Bidder 3 206 YEM 01 March 2021 - 15:28:31
Bidder 4 204 YEM 01 March 2021 - 15:28:31
Bidder 3 202 YEM 28 February 2021 - 09:11:44
Bidder 2 200 YEM 28 February 2021 - 08:59:18
Bidder 5 200 YEM 28 February 2021 - 08:59:18
Bidder 2 105 YEM 23 February 2021 - 15:51:07
Bidder 4 103 YEM 23 February 2021 - 15:51:07
Bidder 2 101 YEM 23 February 2021 - 10:11:51
Bidder 6 100 YEM 23 February 2021 - 10:11:26
Bidder 2 100 YEM 23 February 2021 - 10:11:26
Bidder 6 96 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:50:28
Bidder 7 95 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:50:28
Bidder 6 91 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:47:29
Bidder 7 90 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:47:29
Bidder 6 81 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:47:06
Bidder 7 80 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:47:06
Bidder 6 51 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:46:28
Bidder 7 50 YEM 20 February 2021 - 20:46:28
Bidder 6 25 YEM 20 February 2021 - 16:45:21
Bidder 4 24 YEM 20 February 2021 - 16:45:21
Bidder 6 23 YEM 20 February 2021 - 16:41:37
Bidder 4 22 YEM 20 February 2021 - 16:41:37
Bidder 6 21 YEM 20 February 2021 - 04:39:19
Bidder 8 20 YEM 20 February 2021 - 04:39:19
Bidder 8 1 YEM 15 February 2021 - 16:31:45
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  • Feedback received 17 times
  • Positive feedback: (100%)
  • Member since 04/21/2018
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